torsdag 16. september 2010

Oblig 1 Heavy object lifting

Oppgaven går ut på og animere et tungt object løft. Bruke en valgt rigg.

   min rigg ble denne Kram Karen:

Valg  av rigg er viktig,det må vere en man er komfertabel med og liker.

 så før man skal animere må man prøve og tenke ut
karakter type på personen som skal animeres.
om han er slapp,giddalaus, sterk,vital,kul,laidback osv.
jeg tenkte meg da og få med meg litt krops språk på begynnelsen som anticiperte det ,men jeg fant ut at jeg måtte konsentrere  på mark løftet og få til blokken ,med
pose til pose først,så fikk jeg heller se senere hva jeg kunne utbrodere med.

her en referanse fra Youtube


Ja jeg gjorde den feilen at jeg begynnte og animere ut i fra de hoved posene jeg syntes så bra
ut og begynte og justere på hender og arm rotasjoner osv.
Og glemte helt og lage en enkel Blokk først!
 så etter guiding fra min lærer,fikk jeg begynne forfra med en Blokk.


etter at jeg hadde satt opp de forskjelige hoved keys med hoved positurene var jeg vel ganske fornøyd med
rough animasjonen,men det var ikke Førken/Lærer -bare en dag før innlevering !Hun mente at ikke det var nokk ilustert tynge på ballen i løftet og at "arch"ene ikke var gode nokk i løftet,så jeg måtte gjøre endel endringer.......

1.jeg prøvde og få karakteren til og forbrede seg på og gjøre et tungt løft ved og sette figuren, ned i kne stilling med godt stabiliserte ben og knær.
-Prepare the character to get to heavy working!
-Anticipate the heavy lift with the character get a grip on the ball and stabilize the lover body.
-Timing the keys where and when the action is .(how many keys are there to be within next frame? )

when he is about to lift,

when he actually lifts,

 I try to use right spacing  to illustrate slow and "hard to lift" at the beginning in the lift,where he gather all his strength just before he lifts.
easing in just before he explode at a fast key out and makes an eractic movement !

in the midle position with stretched arms weithening all his strength at his thighs and legs,he gather power again(new anticipation) to make the final up lift with his arms contracting ,-combing with all his weight of hes upper torso from pelvis, tangent it backwards in a sloping arch.

Finally, he try to make the last forward release of the ball. pushing it away from his body .


torsdag 2. september 2010

Wonder Woman_my

Does any part of these animations relate, in any way, to my previous creative 3D productions/projects?

-eh ! well I think my favorite overall concept-look of the animations,must be "cafè serre" and I also like very much the look of the Toyota commercial.
-But regarding theme and story ,I would like to come up with something new and controversal ,it`s hard tough because must of the genre are taken.but if I could make a cross of a story containing a little bit of ancient,Roman,medieval ish story with
a little bit of 2ww concept taking it to a little further future time (Star Wars ish)
let`s think of ;" What if ? " "opposite turning of the written history"
-I`m not good in writing ,but sometime my head are full of strange "philosophy of how things could be"
I hope I can contribute to the film industry in the future aiming for a art-director/concept development / team-leader.

onsdag 1. september 2010

Creative Animation Film Overview

Here  are some animation films that we students are to review ,and my comments are the  following


Where have I seen this type of film before?
-Well I can`t really say but it reminds me of films showed at children`s TV early back
in the mid 70ìes

-It`s a cute animations ,light,easy to look at and I think that the essential is the sound synced at these colored blobs landing on the surface,and there is strong contrasts, and strong hues in color that reflect back to the viewer as lifes blood droplets.....I don`t know?

Where would you expect to see this type of animation films?

-I think maybe this short film maybe could be in a intro to a big motion picture as were starting to be popular back then, if you watch certain old movies intros like ; "the glass botom boat", "the pink Panter" (inspector Clusou),or this catonish intro to ;"With Six You Get Eggroll"

Clip 2

Where have I seen this type of film before?

- make this movie resemblance with Disney`s "Steamboat Willy" altough it`s much more simple and dose not take up on making illusion of perspective in 3d.
I see "fantasmaorgie" as shapes as the objects of interests in the movie apearing in one shape evolve into some thing other ,taking us viewers into next stage.....

Where would you expect to see this type of animation films?

- maybe in a Art gallery ?

Clip 3

Where have I seen this type of film before?
- this movie has lots of Pixar in it,and do appeal very much to me.I love it!
it has much secondary action that occur after one and other things that happen,and the directors have been dam good with leading us into screenshots with showing us anticipation of action.

Where would you expect to see this type of animation films?

- this could be a typical teaser of a comers, big box- picture

Clip 4

Where have I seen this type of film before?

- this is a definite educational childrens TV - cute one,with showing high moral for
the children.

Where have I seen this type of film before?

-well on Tv

What does I dislike or like about these animation film?

I do like theese animations ,and cant really pinpoint anny thing bad with it!

Clip 5

This movie is a odd and contrevarsy film that reach out to peaple in a way you either love or not!
-I personally think it is a little bit to badtaste and "too dark"

this movie are not the verry comerse one and does not make apropriate for everyone so where this move wil fit in I`m not shure ???

Clip 6

Where have I seen this type of film before?

-Youtube ??? where else ?

What does I dislike or like about these animation film?
-Too wierd ! , dont like the compostions , and unclear theme!
my definition ; I`ll make it that reflects on a life circle theme or the evolution
,with and ending after world decintegration,and destruction -then comes paradise .

Where would you expect to see this type of animation film ?

-In a WC or resting room at a downtown bar or club,(he,he! laughs !)
or maybe in a music video?

Clip 7 "Toyota"

Where have I seen this type of film before?
-Actually I`v never seen it,at least not what I cant remember!

What does I dislike or like about these animation film?
-This commercial is beautiful rendred and I do love the feel of saturated color and
our beloved sun shining, and greens that reflect light and life.
I see Toyota as an offspring to a happy future if you wanna go green,with choice of driving this car we make the world grow green,or keep it green.

My oblig 4 at Noroff 1 year grade

-this is a 30 sec movie that I made last year (last assignment at school of animation 1 st year) the animation where I caught inspiration from the Lucky Luke animated cartoon series.
It turned out hard to be doing animation of the rig,and I was caught up in doing to much of the storyboard, staging ,and setting up the screen shots that I wanted,and finding the right textures and lightning of the scene also took a great deal of my near future for second year I hope to work a little more constructed aera of one genre.